Lost In The Scope is a puzzle FPS where you need to find and shoot your targets. Some targets are hidden. And some are hunting you.

  • WASD to Move, Right Click to zoom in, Left Click to shoot. Esc to go back to menu. 
  • Use menu buttons to skip to any level. (Solutions are at the bottom of this page if you are stuck.)
  • Full-screen recommended. 

Download the desktop version for a better experience (web build mostly works fine, but some visual effects are missing.)

Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata is public domain. The version used in-game is my own arrangement.

Thanks for playing! :]

Solution for all puzzles. [SPOILERS] :

Level 1: Zoom in and shoot the enemy on the window. Trivial.
Level 2: Shoot the lock to open the door. Follow the hallway and enter the first room you come across. Shoot and break one of the windows. Shoot the enemy in the opposing building.
Level 3: Your target is behind the church bell. Shoot the lock to open the door to your right. Follow the hallway. Shoot the rope of the bell to make it fall down. Go back and shoot your target.
Level 4: Read the message left by you dead comrade to find the enemy. (2nd floor, 3rd window)
Level 5: Shoot the commander of the 3rd tank once he enters your line of sight.
Level 6: You are shell shocked. Find your way to the windows that are visible at the beginning of the level and shoot your target standing on the balcony. (Enter the hall with the bicycle, take the first right, go right again and enter the room. The windows are to your left.)
Level 7: You are exposed, the enemy sniper knows where you are and will kill you if you are near the windows. Follow openable doors till you are out of the building.  Stick to the shadows till you reach the the destroyed tanks. He cannot see you there, shoot him. (He relocates from time to time, you might have a hard time finding him. Look towards the upper floors and balconies.)
Level 8: Kill the general giving a speech. Don't shoot at the crowd.


LostInTheScope.zip 94 MB


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A nice jam game.
